
Tuesday 24 November 2015

Cheesy Alphabet Pasta in a Mug

Pasta, this word itself makes my kids happy, they can have pasta everyday without any fuss. Dunno why they go crazy if i says pasta for today's lunch. Obviously i'll cook pasta atleast twice a week at home and serve with different sauce or else simply some baked dish with pastas. Earlier if i make pasta for lunch or dinner, i'll keep aside a bowl of rice for me as i dont like pastas that much. But i think nowadays its not a big deal for me to have pastas as am trying to like them as much as like my kids. For three days of this week's blogging marathon, i'll be posting three different kid's friendly pasta based dishes as i picked Kid's delight - Pastas for kids.

Cheesy pasta in mug, Mac&cheese in mug

My today's post was a quick, easy, definitely a kid's favourite pasta dish which i prepared quickly when my younger one asked for a cheesy pasta. Few days back,we were two at home for lunch and he asked me whether i can make a quick pasta as he dont want to have rice. When i went through my pantry, i saw a small packet of alphabet pastas which i usually buy to add them in soups just to feed easily soups to my kids. Immediately i cooked them in salted water and finished this cheesy pasta in mug through microwave cooking easily by adding milk and cheese, an another version of Mac n cheese, yes this dish sounds almost like Mac & cheese.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#58.

Quick Cheesy pasta in Mug

1/4cup Alphabet pasta
3tbsp Milk
1tbsp Grated cheese
Pepper powder
A pinch of Paprika

Cook the alphabet pasta with enough water and salt. Drain the pasta and keep aside.

Take the pasta in a mug, add the milk, cheese, salt(if needed),pepper powder, give a stir.

Microwave for a minute.

Sprinkle the paprika, serve hot.

Microwave pasta in mug,Cheesy & creamy pasta in Mug


  1. That is a good one for the kids, Priya.

  2. I am sure my kids will love this priya..very nicely done..

  3. Am sure my kid would love that too! will surprise her one of these days with your yumm looking pasta

  4. This is perfect for toddlers. Fun to play with and eat

  5. Pasta in mug is perfect for kids. Interesting idea..

  6. My daughter's everyday lunch is pasta and so I can understand. :) The mug version makes a quick treat.

  7. Love this easy to make cheesy pasta.
