Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Senai Kizhangu Chips/Elephant Yam Chips/Karunai Kizhangu Chips

Deep fried foods are always a big hit among kids, they will go crazy if they get deep fried foods for their lunch or for snacks. My kids are ardent fan of deepfried foods,somehow i keep myself away from deepfried foods, but my lil one was bugging me to make some fries. This weekend we went to Indian grocery where i picked half a kg of elephant yam aka senai kizhangu, back home i prepared my paternal grandma's signature dish aka senai kizhangu crispy chips with it. Am a great fan of her elephant yam chips and its been ages i prepared them at home.

Since my lil one asked for some fries, instead of making french fries i prepared this super crispy finger chips with the famous itching elephant yam. This dish gets ready very much quickly apart from peeling and slicing the elephant yam. If you dont have patience this dish is not for you, ask help to your better half, as i do sometimes. Coz peeling the outer skin of elephant need loads of patience and it gives itching while peeling obviously you need to protect your hands either by wearing vinyl gloves or by applying oil generously over your hands.However these crispies tastes fabulous simply without any sides, a prefect evening snacks for kids.This dish is going to be a part of Tamizhar Samayal Tuesday,happening twice a month.

 photo elephantyamchipssenaikizhanguchipskarunaikizhangufngerchips_zpsfdff035e.jpg

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Sesame Curryleaves Spice Powder/Ellu Karuvepillai Podi

I cant imagine my pantry without spice powders, monthly once or twice i'll prepare varieties of spice powders. These spice powders will definitely helps you whenever you run out of veggies or lazy to cook your lunch. Once i came back home after my long stay in India, the first thing i prepared back at home is this spice powder and a thogayal with plantain stem. Yes i missed spice powders that much eventhough i had so many options to buy or to prepare at home. I picked this spice powder from a supplement we get along with a Tamil magazine called Aval Vikatan, this spice powder goes for simple ingredients and gets ready in a jiffy.

The original recipe went for white sesame seeds, but i prepared mine with black sesame seeds apart from it, i followed the original recipe without any change. Since i had fresh curry leaves which i carried all the way from India, i dont want to miss a chance to give a try to this podi. We enjoyed thoroughly this flavourful  podi with hot piping rice topped with gingelly oil.This post goes  for the CC Challenge of the month.

1/4cup Black sesame seeds
1/4cup Curry leaves
3nos Dry red chillies
2tbsp Urad dal

Dry roast the sesame seeds until a nice aroma comes from..

In the same pan, dry roast the curry leaves until they turns crisp.

Now dry roast the dry red chillies and urad dal until they turns brown.

Let all the ingredients gets cool completely.

Now take everything in a mixie jar and grind as fine powder with salt.

Serve with rice topped with gingelly oil or ghee.

Conserve the spice powder in an air tightened box.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Spring Onion Pakodas

Weather is super chilled here, after going through the hot sunny climate in my hometown seriously am loving this Paris chilled climate. Actually this pakoda recipe is in my to do list since a long, and today i want to share with you all. Spring onions have a wonderful aroma and give a crunchy texture, i love to add them quite often as they give a wonderful flavour to any dish they are added. Its been a while i wanted to make some pakodas with these spring onions and finally i did. These pakodas are just addictive and you cant stop with one. You can enjoy these crunchy crispies with any rice dishes as side dish,or simply with a cup of coffee for your evening snacks.This pakoda can stay for a long in room temperature if they are conserved properly.

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