Tuesday 25 February 2014

Senai Kizhangu Chips/Elephant Yam Chips/Karunai Kizhangu Chips

Deep fried foods are always a big hit among kids, they will go crazy if they get deep fried foods for their lunch or for snacks. My kids are ardent fan of deepfried foods,somehow i keep myself away from deepfried foods, but my lil one was bugging me to make some fries. This weekend we went to Indian grocery where i picked half a kg of elephant yam aka senai kizhangu, back home i prepared my paternal grandma's signature dish aka senai kizhangu crispy chips with it. Am a great fan of her elephant yam chips and its been ages i prepared them at home.

Since my lil one asked for some fries, instead of making french fries i prepared this super crispy finger chips with the famous itching elephant yam. This dish gets ready very much quickly apart from peeling and slicing the elephant yam. If you dont have patience this dish is not for you, ask help to your better half, as i do sometimes. Coz peeling the outer skin of elephant need loads of patience and it gives itching while peeling obviously you need to protect your hands either by wearing vinyl gloves or by applying oil generously over your hands.However these crispies tastes fabulous simply without any sides, a prefect evening snacks for kids.This dish is going to be a part of Tamizhar Samayal Tuesday,happening twice a month.

 photo elephantyamchipssenaikizhanguchipskarunaikizhangufngerchips_zpsfdff035e.jpg

2cups Senai kizhangu/Elephant yam (sliced lengthwise thinly)
1/4tsp Turmeric powder
1tsp Red chilly powder
1tsp Tamarind paste
2tbsp Rice flour
Oil for deepfrying

Wash the sliced senaikizhangu/elephant yam twice with water and turmeric powder.

Strain the excess water and take it a large bowl.

Now add the red chilly powder, tamarind paste,salt,let them sit for few minutes.

You can see water left by the elephant slices, strain the water.

Add the rice flour, check for salt and mix well until the elephant yam slices gets well coated with the flour.

Meanwhile heat oil for deep frying.

Fry the flour coated elephant yam slices in small batches until they turn brown and crispy.

Drain the excess of oil with paper towel.

Enjoy warm.

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