Sunday, 26 June 2016

Tomato Couscous Soup

Couscous is an excellent meal when served along with meat and vegetables.Though this dish is quite famous here because of North African countries, couscous have their own place in French cuisine. Some of the popular French chefs have already tried to replicate this incredible dish in so many creative dishes. However nothing can beat the traditionally prepared North African style couscous. I came to know about this semolina through my brother in law who makes excellent Moroccan couscous. Then i tried my hands in making this fantastic dish, which is quite a royal food for us. Couscous is usually served with meats and a tomato based aromatic stew with loads of vegetables like carrot, zucchini, celery, turnips and cooked chickpeas.

Tomato & couscous Soup

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Vegan Quinoa & Black Beans Tabbouleh Salad

My kids are biggest fans of Tabbouleh salad and its been a while i prepared them at home. When i picked Kid's delight-Soups and Salads as theme for this week's blogging marathon i immediately thought of making this fantastic aromatic salad. But instead of preparing this salad with Bulghur, i replace bulghur with quinoa. Quinoa works awesome for preparing this salad and to make it more healthier, i couldnt stop myself adding some cooked black beans. Trust me whoever love tabbouleh will definitely enjoy thoroughly this super healthy, nutritious, easy breezy chilled salad. Since this tabbouleh is quite easy to prepare, you can make this salad few hours before your lunch. Obviously you can plan this dish earlier to enjoy your lunch happily especially during summer. Served chilled, this salad is quite a satisfying and filling salad to enjoy with some grilled meats or grilled vegetables.

Quinoa & black beans tabbouleh, Quinoa Tabbouleh Salad

Friday, 24 June 2016

Chilled Vegetable Salad

During recent days, Paris climate was rainy and chilled but suddenly few weeks back its was like summer. The weather was very much hot drastically and we were happy to arrange our winter coats in cupboards. While the weather was extremely hot,i couldnt stop myself preparing some chilled salad to enjoy those sunny days. One among those salads is this super quick and easy chilled salad. Just go on with some chopped vegetables and a quick creamy dressing with buttermilk and mayonnaise, mix everything and your salad is ready to serve after sitting few minutes in fridge. To add the zing, i even went on adding some mini mozzarella balls and cubed potatoes, kids went crazy when i served this fantastic summer salad.

Chilled vegetable Salad,Mixed Vegetable cold Salad

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Vegetable Mini Pie

Pie is one of our favourite dish especially if its loaded with cheese, if pies are made with store bought puff pastry sheet, trust me you get some flaky, buttery, crispy pies to enjoy without any fuss. When i planned some savoury pies for our lazy weekend brunch, i immediately wanted to make some flaky pies. Obviously i prepared some mini pies with a simple spiced mixed vegetable masala topped with some cheese as we love cheesy pies. Its really easy to prepare, this pies takes hardly less than half an hour to prepare and bake. If you have storebought puff pastry sheets in your fridge or freezer, you can bake these cuties very much easily than you can imagine.

Vegetable Mini Pie

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Raspberry Banana Smoothie

Smoothie makes an excellent refreshing drink while the weather is too hot outside. When its chilled, hot or snowing, my kids can enjoy their glass of smoothie without any fuss. Obviously when i picked Holiday dishes as this week's blogging marathon's theme, smoothie came to mind immediately. Though we love strawberries very much, raspberries comes next. Whenever i ran out of strawberries i will go with frozen raspberries which i never forget to store in my freezer. Its been a while i prepared smoothie with raspberries, finally i whisked some delicious, highly delicious, filling and satisfying smoothie with some banana chunks few days back. Raspberries and bananas works awesome together in smoothie and the picture itself says how thick and delicious the smoothie was.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies

Its not summer holidays here, we have two more weeks to work. Yes the academic year stop only on frist week of July. Then comes the most awaited summer vacation, we are going to enjoy thoroughly our summer vacation though we dont have any plan to go to India. You may wonder why am talking about Holidays, this week's blogging marathon is going to be Holiday dishes as theme. Obviously this week's posts are going to be kid's friendly snacks, yes i cant imagine holidays without munching some late evening snacks with our favourite drinks. My kids are great fan of peanuts, especially anything baked with peanuts. When i planned to bake some cookies for this week's theme i immediately thought of baking some vegan peanut butter cookies.

Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Vegetarian Bolognese Stuffed Bread Rolls

Can you enjoy having a vegetarian bolognese stuffed bread rolls for your evening snacks with a cup of tea or coffee or else to enjoy thoroughly for your dinner with some salads. Trust me you will enjoy thoroughly this incredibly delicious vegetable loaded bread rolls without any side dish or spread. Vegetarian bolognese makes an excellent stuffing to stuff the usual yeasted bread dough. You doesnt need any other specific ingredients to make this absolutely delicious bread rolls.We enjoyed thoroughly this ultimate bread rolls for our lunch along with some salad and grilled meats. However you can enjoy this bread rolls even for your breakfast.

Vegetarian Bolognese Stuffed Bread rolls

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Vegetarian Bolognese Calzone/Vegetarian Ragu Alla Bolognese Calzone

Calzone is an Italian baked folded pizza which have its origin from Naples, Italy. A typical calzone is made with a yeasted bread dough, baked in oven stuffed usually with meats and cheese. However many variations of calzone do exists with different stuffings. Though some small calzones are fried in olive oil, baking calzone is quite popular. Calzone dough ressembles as much as like pizza dough however many recipes of calzone are prepared with usual pizza dough. Calzones are usually stuffed with cheeses like ricotta, mozzerella, parmesan and else with local cheese. My today's calzone goes for a vegetarian version, which makes a prefect meal when served along with some salads or else for an evening snacks with a cup of tea of coffee. You have numerous choice to serve and enjoy this ultimate calzone.

Vegetarian Bolognese calzone, Vegetarian Calzone

Friday, 10 June 2016

Vegetarian Bolognese Sauce/Vegetarian Ragu Alla Bolognese

Bolognese sauce is a popular Italian sauce which is also known as Ragu alla bolognese or simply ragu is a meat based sauce originated from Bologna, Italy. Hence this sauce got its name as Bolognese sauce, this sauce is cooked usually by slow cooking though this dish asks for several cooking techniques. Usually served with tagliatelle pasta, this meaty sauce makes an excellent sauce to enjoy with pasta. But my today's recipe goes for a delicious Vegetarian version and completely vegan as well.Am not a vegetarian but i dont cook red meat especially beef. Obviously this vegetarian version is definitely a great alternative for this sauce lovers. When i went through google, i saw many versions of this vegetarian sauce, i finally decided to go with my own way of preparing this vegetable loaded sauce.

Vegan Vegetarian Bolognese Sauce

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Eggless Baked Camembert Bread Wreath

Camembert -  a popular soft, creamy, cow's milk cheese which was first made in 18th century at Camembert, in Normandy region of Northern France. This cheese have their place in every house mostly in their cheese platter. Yes French peoples are sucker of cheese and they never fail to have some creamy cheese with some baguette during their meal. Its quite a routine even i have now our cheese platter at home. Cheese and desserts are must if you are inviting French peoples to your place for a get together. I always want to bake something with this incredible camembert cheese and finally i tried my hands to bake a simple, easy and fantastic bread wreath. Trust me, this bread doesnt need any spread to have with. Just pull a roll, dip into those melted oozing camembert cheese and enjoy, how easy na.

Eggless Baked camembert bread wreath

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Buchteln/Buchty/Austrian Sweet pull-apart Rolls

Buchteln/Buchty/Buchtel or Wuchteln is a traditional Austrian Sweet pull apart rolls, these yeasted pull apart style sweet rolls are filled with apricot jam. I have been looking for something to finish some homemade apricot jam and finally i landed to this beautiful site. Though these buns are sweet pull apart rolls, this cuties will be mildly sweet as this rolls calls for less sugar. Since i want to stick with the traditional way of preparing this Austrian sweet pull apart rolls, i followed the original recipe and trust me this Buchteln are my kid's favourite. These rolls came out extremely fluffy, airy with a nicely browned top which will turn super soft once its cool completely. Often served with vanilla sauce, these rolls makes an excellent dessert after a meal or for an evening snack.

Buchty,Sweet pull apart rolls, Buchteln

Friday, 3 June 2016

Eggless Honey Pull Apart Buns

Simple to make this healthy and sugarless buns asks for easy breezy kneading and preparation. Easy to make this buns are excellent to enjoy either for your breakfast with any of your favourite spreads or else to enjoy for your snacks simply with butter along with a cup of tea or coffee. Quite a filling bun, this eggless version is definitely a keeper. You can dish out this excellent buns easily as the kneading and shaping part asks for simple preparation. Honey plays an important role in this bread, apart from it, this buns calls for usual ingredients. Since i want to bake this honey buns more healthy, i halved the bread flour with whole wheat flour. And this works awesome to enjoy with your nutella as well.

Eggless Honey Buns, Wholewheat Honey Buns

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