Saturday, 3 June 2017

Atol de Elote/El Salvadorian Corn Beverage

Atol de Elote is a popular El Salvadorian beverage, which is prepared with fresh corn kernels, milk, cinnamon and sugar. Traditionally white corn is used in El Salvador to make this delicious beverage, though yellow corn kernels can be used as well. Fresh corn kernels brings a wonderful fresh flavor to this beverage though frozen corn kernels makes excellent Atol de Elote too. Do you know Atoles are very popular beverages in Central America with roots in Mayan Cuisine. And this Atol de Elote is definitely a sort of thick drink often eaten in spoons. And traditionally this drink is served in a bowl made out of a dried calabash gourd.

Atol de Elote, El Salvador Corn milk beverage

You may wonder why am talking about El Salvadorian popular drink, yes am running this week's blogging marathon with an interesting theme. We are going to explore Latin American cuisine, yes my theme is Explore Latin American cuisine. El Salvador officially known as Republic of El Salvador is one of the smallest and the most densely populated country in Central America. And this country is very much known for their coffee. Though many different drinks from El Salvador exists, i picked this extremely delicious Corn beverage as this drink is different and easy one to dish out.

Atol de Elote, Corn Milk

Recipe source: Here
3cups Yellow corn kernels
4cups Milk
1cup Sugar
pinch of Salt
1 Cinnamon sticks
1/4tsp Vanilla extract

Blend the yellow corn kernels with enough water as smooth paste. Strain the mix.

Now take the strained corn mixture with milk,sugar,cinnamon stick and cook in medium flame until the mixture turns mildly thick.

Remove this beverage from heat, add salt and vanilla extract, stir.

Serve in cup topped with cinnamon powder.

Atol de elote

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM.


vaishali sabnani said...

Something new and interesting ! Looks simple , easy to make and very different . Nice pick .

Srivalli said...

I am so excited to start my exploration into this region. You surely come up with such interesting dishes..looks very sinful Priya.

Gayathri Kumar said...

I have made soup with sweet corn but this sweet drink looks so good. Must be very creamy..

Unknown said...

This sounds very interesting and looks yumm.

rajani said...

Sounds like an easy to do recipe Priya. How long does it take to cook?

Suma Gandlur said...

I had bookmarked some of your dishes posted this week while exploring the Latin American cuisine theme though I haven't finalized any. This corn drink sounds good.

Priya Suresh said...

@Rajani, it took me almost 20 minutes,hope this helps.

Priya Srinivasan - I Camp in My Kitchen said...

wow looks yumm priya! corn payasam, with a twisty name,;)

Pavani said...

That is such an interesting drink made with corn Priya. Looks delicious.

cookingwithsapana said...

I remember bookmarking this drink somewhere. Looks so yummy.

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