Monday, 5 June 2017

Venezuelan Chicha/Venezuelan Rice Milk/Chicha Venezolana

Venezuelan Chicha, is a popular drink sold by the vendors at street corners, markets, fairs and outlets in commercial centres, malls etc in Venezuela. "Chicha" is made of boiled rice, milk and sugar and served cold with loads of ice cubes. Usually served as a refreshing beverage, cinnamon powder, condensed milk or chocolate are also used as toppings. This  Venezuelan "Chicha" contains no alcohol as it is not fermented.  A lot of Latin American countries have a "chicha" recipe but they are all very different. The Venezuelan Chicha is basically the liquid version of the famous dessert “arroz con leche”, another Latin American staple dessert.

Venezuelan Chicha, Venezuelan Rice milk

Venezuelan Chicha is made from simple ingredients which is usually available in your pantry. With an easy cooking process, this popular drink is loved by people of all ages. This gluten free drink can be a super excellent summer drink to serve as this chicha tastes absolutely unique. Am running this week's blogging marathon with Explore Latin American cuisine as theme, hence am posting this Venezuelan Chicha for this week's theme. Seriously we thoroughly enjoyed this super refreshing drink and just loved it.

Venezuelan Chicha, Chicha, Venezuelan Rice Chicha

Recipe Source : Here
1cup Rice
1cup Condensed milk
1cup Evaporated milk
1/2cup Sugar
1/2tsp Vanilla essence
1 Cinnamon stick
pinch Salt

Soak the rice for three hours, drain the water and cook with enough water until the rice gets mushy.

Add the condensed milk, evaporated milk, cinnamon stick, sugar.

Bring everything to boil and put off the stove.

Remove the cinnamon stick. Transfer the mixture to a blender, add the salt and vanilla essence.

Venezuelan Chicha, Chicha Venezolana

Blend everything as a smooth mixture.

Keep aside and let them cool.

Serve chilled with ice cubes topped with cinnamon powder & sweetened condensed milk.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM.


Gayathri Kumar said...

What an interesting drink with rice! Sounds so good..

rajani said...

Is this like a pudding or a drink Priya?

Suma Gandlur said...

That is one interesting drink.

Priya Suresh said...

@Rajani, its was like a semi thick drink, not like a pudding. It ressembles quite like a sweetened rice porridge.

Srivalli said...

Very interesting one Priya..too good..

Mayuri Patel said...

An interesting drink with rice Priya. It must be refreshing and filling at the same time.

Priya Srinivasan - I Camp in My Kitchen said...

wow priya, where do you do your research girl, such a splendid drink! looks very interesting!

Pavani said...

Wow, this is a totally new dish for me. Recipe sounds very very interesting and I'm sure it must have tasted great.

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